Music Lessons

We tailor all our tutoring to the individual student, placing them with a specialist tutor.

We aim to place all students with a tutor within three weeks and if we do not the current availability we will help anyone enquiring to find an alternative local tutor through our local connections. The client may request an initial face to face interview to determine mutual suitability before commiting to weekly tutorials. It is always the case that those students who have time to practice between lessons will progress much more quickly. This could range from a couple of half hour practices in the week to spending several hours a day on extensive practicing.
Our guitar teacher is predominantly schooled in rock and contemporary music but can be flexible to suit all tastes.

At present we do not have a viola teacher.

At present we do not have a drumming teacher.

Our piano teacher is very experienced in a variety of music teaching. Many students prefer the structure of graded examinations each year (such as through ABRSM) but we aim to suit all tastes and regularly teach informally to people of all ages and abilities.

At present we do not have a Brass specialist.